halfway through

i’ve been dying to write a post since forever but every time i slink onto bed, i can never seem to muster my extensor muscles to get up. Bed is just too comfy and Brain is just too tired to operate past working hours (what more during postcall!)

halfway through internship and it’s been quite of an experience. just to list out the things that i found amazing:

  1. you can survive perfectly well (albeit slightly dysfunctional) after >30 hours of no sleep and pure work. trust me, YOU WILL NOT DIE. (unless you happen to have 21340394098 co morbidities and something unfortunate happens to you for example a fall)
  2. not to mention surviving with the lack of food/water/going to the toilet!
  3. and also going to work sick. i coughed for 1.5 months consecutively during paediatrics rotation and sometimes the parents would ask if i needed some rest because i seemed to be in a state worse than their child’s!
  4. my newfound temper at even the slightest annoying thing; it gets honed and sharpened every time I receive orders to do unreasonable things, and the thing is I cannot say no because I am seriously at the bottom of the food chain. my temper got a bit worse tbh as I went after having compared and contrasted the differences in units, and grumble about the trivial tasks that I did not have to do in my previous rotation.
  5. despite how hellish i make it sound, housemanship is actually pretty fun. you have zero responsibilities, the liberty to manage patients especially during critical times, and you also get to explore different specialties!
  6. houseman life can be mundane, but i have had amazing, fun, helpful colleagues that make the hospital battlefield less hostile. so far my comrades have been awesome and irreplaceable 🙂
  7. i don’t have to study after work! muhahaha

after successfully (i think) adapting to the life of a houseman, a new source of stress has now emerged; job hunting.

I’ve heard my friends in Malaysia having difficulty finding specialist training post in earlier years of MO-ship but in HK that is not a problem as they face a major shortage of doctors. However competition is still tight for certain specialties/hospitals.

As i was asking one of my senior regarding his residency training, he ended the conversation with an important advice: the most important thing is not what you want to do, but what God wants you to do.

That has stuck to me till now.

Lord, may Your will be done.

It will be for the best, I know it. 🙂


2 thoughts on “halfway through

  1. Helllooo!! I’m a Singaporean student waiting for my A levels results and I’m considering studying in HKU (I have yet to submit my application form cos Im still in the midst of filling it up). As I was doing some research on HKU, I chanced upon your previous blog haha and was directed to your new one. They are very interesting to read:) Anyway I was just wondering if you could let me know abit of your experience there as an international student? And what was the interview like? (the post was gone on your previous blog D:) But if you dont have the time to reply me, that’s ok. I understand!!:) Thank you again and all the best in whatever you do! God Bless 🙂

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