
…one month from now i will be having year 3 finals.

can’t believe how fast time flies. and two years from now i’m supposed to know everything a doctor needs to know to diagnose and treat patients (or refer them to relevant specialties lol)

ARGHHH i’m so unprepared. and incompetent. and my temper is getting a wee bit out of control lately due to the overwhelming exam stress.

惟 獨 從 上 頭 來 的 智 慧 、 先 是 清 潔 、 後 是 和 平 、 溫 良 柔 順 、 滿 有 憐 憫 、 多 結 善 果 、 沒 有 偏 見 、 沒 有 假 冒 。~雅 各 書 3:16-17

I really, really need peace, strength and wisdom from God.